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CAPM Analysis


In this assignment, you will explore the foundational concepts of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) using historical data for AMD and the S&P 500 index. This exercise is designed to provide a hands-on approach to understanding how these models are used in financial analysis to assess investment risks and returns.


The CAPM provides a framework to understand the relationship between systematic risk and expected return, especially for stocks. This model is critical for determining the theoretically appropriate required rate of return of an asset, assisting in decisions about adding assets to a diversified portfolio.


  1. Load and Prepare Data: Import and prepare historical price data for AMD and the S&P 500 to ensure it is ready for detailed analysis.
  2. CAPM Implementation: Focus will be placed on applying the CAPM to examine the relationship between AMD’s stock performance and the overall market as represented by the S&P 500.
  3. Beta Estimation and Analysis: Calculate the beta of AMD, which measures its volatility relative to the market, providing insights into its systematic risk.
  4. Results Interpretation: Analyze the outcomes of the CAPM application, discussing the implications of AMD’s beta in terms of investment risk and potential returns.


Step 1: Data Loading

# Set start and end dates
start_date <- as.Date("2019-05-20")
end_date <- as.Date("2024-05-20")

# Load data for AMD, S&P 500, and the 1-month T-Bill (DTB4WK)
amd_data <- getSymbols("AMD", src = "yahoo", from = start_date, to = end_date, auto.assign = FALSE)
gspc_data <- getSymbols("^GSPC", src = "yahoo", from = start_date, to = end_date, auto.assign = FALSE)
rf_data <- getSymbols("DTB4WK", src = "FRED", from = start_date, to = end_date, auto.assign = FALSE)

# Convert Adjusted Closing Prices and DTB4WK to data frames
amd_df <- data.frame(Date = index(amd_data), AMD = as.numeric(Cl(amd_data)))
gspc_df <- data.frame(Date = index(gspc_data), GSPC = as.numeric(Cl(gspc_data)))
rf_df <- data.frame(Date = index(rf_data), RF = as.numeric(rf_data[,1]))  # Accessing the first column of rf_data

# Merge the AMD, GSPC, and RF data frames on the Date column
df <- merge(amd_df, gspc_df, by = "Date")
df <- merge(df, rf_df, by = "Date")

Data Processing

# Fill N/A RF data
df <- df %>%
  fill(RF, .direction = "down") 

Step 2: CAPM Analysis

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a financial model that describes the relationship between systematic risk and expected return for assets, particularly stocks. It is widely used to determine a theoretically appropriate required rate of return of an asset, to make decisions about adding assets to a well-diversified portfolio.

The CAPM Formula

The formula for CAPM is given by:

\[E(R_i) = R_f + \beta_i (E(R_m) - R_f)\]


CAPM Model Daily Estimation

\[\text{Daily Return} = \frac{\text{Today's Price} - \text{Previous Trading Day's Price}}{\text{Previous Trading Day's Price}}\]
#fill the code
\[\text{Daily Risk-Free Rate} = \left(1 + \frac{\text{Annual Rate}}{100}\right)^{\frac{1}{360}} - 1\]
#fill the code
#fill the code
#fill the code


What is your (\beta)? Is AMD more volatile or less volatile than the market?


Plotting the CAPM Line

Plot the scatter plot of AMD vs. S&P 500 excess returns and add the CAPM regression line.

#fill the code

Step 3: Predictions Interval

Suppose the current risk-free rate is 5.0%, and the annual expected return for the S&P 500 is 13.3%. Determine a 90% prediction interval for AMD’s annual expected return.


#fill the code