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Actuaries in Banking

ERM and Risk Classification

Risks Faced by Organizations


Risk Classification (ERM)

Enterprise Risk Management - Risk Classification


Introduction to Risk Categories

Introduction to Risk Categories - 2

Introduction to Risk Categories - 3

Credit Risk

Credit Risk

Credit Risk Categories

Can be identified by source of credit risk:

1. Bonds:

2. Retail lending:

3. Corporate lending:

  1. Deposit counterparties
  2. Money market counterparties
  3. Tenant default
  4. Over-the-counter (OTC) counterparty default
  5. Derivative exchanges and clearing house counterparty default risk
  6. Securities lending counterparty default risk
  7. Dealing and settlement counterparty default risk
  8. Custodian counterparty default risk (this should be mitigated by ring-fencing of assets from those of the custodian)
  9. (Re)insurer default relating to default of an insurer and resulting loss of cover (as distinct from any loss on investment products issued by that insurer)

Credit Risk Management

Effective management of credit risk is:

Traditional Approach to Credit Risk

Traditional banking calls for each exposure to be individually underwritten: Four Cs of credit underwriting:

Traditional banking calls for each exposure to be individually underwritten: More Cs:

Modern Approach to Credit Risk

Credit Risk Management

Key Credit Risk Concept

Loss = Default x Severity x Exposure

Expected Loss (EL)

Expected Loss (EL): Anticipated average rate of loss (reasonably predictable) that an organization should expect to suffer on its credit risk portfolio over time

\[\text{Expected Loss (EL)} = \text{PD} \times \text{LGD} \times \text{EAD}\]

Probability of Default (PD)

Expected default frequency:

Loss Given Default (LGD)

Net loss in the event of default

Exposure at Default (EAD)

Expected exposure at the time of the credit event

Expected Loss - Example

\[\text{Expected Loss (EL)} = \text{PD} \times \text{LGD} \times \text{EAD}\] \[= 0.72\% \times 60\% \times \$10 \text{ million}\] \[= \$43,200\]

Unexpected Loss (UL)

The standard deviation ($\sigma$) of credit losses

Credit Risk Models