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Life Insurance and Life Annuity

There are many types of Life Insurance products (see Sherris Section 8.3), with the most common being:

Term Insurance - Claim Payments

\(T(x) = X - x\)

Term Insurance - Benefit Payment

Assume the insured life is aged $x$ at purchase, the death benefit is of amount $S$, and it is paid at the end of the year of death, but only if death occurs within $n$ years of purchase. Assume an annual (effective) rate of interest $i$.

\[\frac{S}{(1+i)} = Sv\] \[\frac{S}{(1+i)^2} = Sv^2\]

In general, if death occurs when the life is aged $x+k$ last birthday where $k=0,1,2,\ldots n-1$ then the present value of the benefit payment at the end of the year of death would be:

\[\text{PV[Payment]} = \begin{cases} Sv^{k+1} & \text{for } k=0,1,2,\ldots, n-1 \\ 0 & \text{for } k \geq n \end{cases}\]

Term Insurance - EPV of Claim Payments

What are the associated probabilities with the values of the present value of the payment?

Let $K(x)$ be the discretized future lifetime random variable for age $x$ (i.e., $K(x) = \lfloor T(x) \rfloor$). Then:

\[\text{PV}[Payment] = \begin{cases} Sv^{k+1} & \text{with probability Pr} [K(x) = k] \\ & \text{for } k = 1,2,3,\ldots,n-1 \\ 0 & \text{with probability Pr} [K(x) \geq n] = ~_{n} p_x \end{cases}\]

What is $\Pr[K(x) = k]$?

\Pr[K=k] = \Pr[k \leq T(x) < k+1] = _{k}p_{x}q_{x+k}

Expected Present Value of Benefit Payment

The Expected Present Value of the benefit payment for this term insurance is then:

\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} S v^{k+1} \cdot _{k}p_{x}q_{x+k} = S \cdot \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^{k+1} \cdot _{k}p_{x}q_{x+k} = S \cdot A_{x:\overline{n}|}^{1}

Where $A_{x:\overline{n}\rvert}^{1}$ is standard actuarial notation (for the expected PV of a term life insurance paying a benefit of 1, and covering the next $n$ years of a life aged $x$).

Example 8.5

Determine the expected present value of the claim payments for a 5-year term insurance on a life aged 20 with a sum insured of $100,000 using the following mortality probabilities and a 6% p.a. effective interest rate.

Mortality Probabilities

Age $q_{\text{age}}$
20 0.00192
21 0.00181
22 0.00160
23 0.00138
24 0.00118


To calculate the EPV of 1 payable on death within $n$ years:

A_{20:\overline{5}|}^{1} = \sum_{k=0}^{4}v^{k+1}\left( _{k}p_{20}q_{20+k}\right)


Detailed Calculations

Age(x+k) $q_{x+k}$ $k$ $v^{k+1}$ $_{k}p_{x}$ $_{k}p_{x} q_{x+k}$
20 0.00192 0 0.94340 1.00000 0.00192
21 0.00181 1 0.89000 0.99808 0.00181
22 0.00160 2 0.83962 0.99627 0.00159
23 0.00138 3 0.79209 0.99468 0.00137
24 0.00118 4 0.74726 0.99331 0.00117

The EPV of the claim payments for a sum insured of 100,000 is then:

100,000 \cdot A_{20:\overline{5}|}^{1} = 672.06

Life Annuities

\ddot{a}_{x} = \mathbb{E} [ \text{PV}(P_0) + \text{PV}(P_1) + \ldots + \text{PV}(P_{\omega-x-1})] = \sum_{k=0}^{\omega-x-1}v^k \cdot _{k}p_{x}


\ddot{a}_{x} = 1 + \sum_{k=1}^{\omega -x-1} v^k \cdot _{k}p_{x} = 1 + \sum_{k=1}^{\omega -x-1} v \cdot v^{k-1} \cdot p_{x} \cdot _{k-1}p_{x+1} = 1 + v \cdot p_{x} \left[ \sum_{k=0}^{\omega -x-2} v^k \cdot _{k}p_{x+1} \right] = 1 + v \cdot p_{x} \cdot \ddot{a}_{x+1}

If the payments are restricted to $n$ payments maximum:

\ddot{a}_{x:\overline{n}|} = \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^k \cdot _{k}p_{x} = 1 + a_{x:\overline{n-1}|}

Principle of Equivalence

\text{EPV of premiums} = \text{EPV of claims} + \text{EPV of expenses}
P \cdot \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^{k} \left( _{k}p_{x} \right) = P \cdot a_{x:\overline{n}|}
Pv^{k} & \text{for } k=0,1,2,\ldots n-1 \\
0 & \text{for } k\geq n

Recurrence Relations

Recurrence relations for the expected present value of benefits for an $n$ year term insurance on a life aged $x$. Let $_{t}B_{x:\overline{n}|}$ be the expected present value of benefits at age $x+t$:

If the life dies during the year, with probability $q_{x+t}$, then the benefit of $S$ is paid at the end of the year. The expected present value of the benefits will then be equal to $S$ since no future payments are made once the life has died.

_{t}B_{x:\overline{n}|} = \frac{q_{x+t}S + p_{x+t} \left( _{t+1}B_{x:\overline{n}|} \right)}{1+i}

Over the final year of the policy:

_{n-1}B_{x:\overline{n}|} = \frac{q_{x+n-1}S + p_{x+n-1} \cdot 0}{1+i} = \frac{q_{x+n-1}S}{1+i}
_{n-2}B_{x:\overline{n}|} = \frac{q_{x+n-2}S + p_{x+n-2} \frac{q_{x+n-1}S}{1+i}}{1+i} = q_{x+n-2} \frac{S}{1+i} + p_{x+n-2} q_{x+n-1} \frac{S}{(1+i)^{2}}
_{0}B_{x:\overline{n}|} = \frac{q_{x}S + p_{x} \left( _{1}B_{x:\overline{n}|} \right)}{1+i} = S \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^k \left( _{k}p_{x} q_{x+k} \right)

Example 8.6 & 8.7

Use the Principle of Equivalence to determine the annual premium for a 5-year term insurance on a 20-year-old male with a sum insured of 100,000 using the following mortality probabilities and a 6% p.a. effective interest rate. Initial expenses are 0.5% of the sum insured and renewal expenses are 100 per premium payment.

age $q_{\text{age}}$
20 0.00192
21 0.00181
22 0.00160
23 0.00138
24 0.00118


a_{20:\overline{5}|} = \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} v^k \left( _{k}p_{20} \right)
age(x+k) $q_{x+k}$ k $v^k$ $_{k}p_x$
20 0.00192 0 1.00000 1.00000
21 0.00181 1 0.94340 0.99808
22 0.00160 2 0.89000 0.99627
23 0.00138 3 0.83962 0.99468
24 0.00118 4 0.79209 0.99331
  1. Let $P$ denote the annual premium. EPV is:
P a_{20:\overline{5}|} = P \times 4.45021.
  1. EPV of the claims payment is:
100000 a_{20:\overline{5}|} = 100000 \times 0.0067206 = 672.06.
  1. Expected present value of the sum of initial and renewal expenses is:
0.005 \times 100000 + 100 a_{20:\overline{5}|} = 500 + 100 \times 4.45021 = 945.02.
P = \frac{672.06 + 945.02}{4.45021} = 363.37.

Valuation of Policy Liabilities

Policy value of a liability for a life insurance policy is the

\text{EPV of future claims and expenses} - \text{EPV of future premiums}.

Denote the value of this reserve by $_{t}V_{x:\overline{n}|}$ the EPV of the policy liability

Term life insurance

We have:

{}_{t}V_{x:\overline{n}|} = S \cdot {}_{t+1} A^1_{x+t:\overline{n-t}|} - (P-E) \cdot \ddot{a}_{x+t:\overline{n-t}|}

(by definition)

= v \left[ q_{x+t} \cdot S + p_{x+t} \cdot {}_{t+1}V_{x:\overline{n}|} \right] -(P-E)

(noting that there are only two possible outcomes over the next year)

Note that we must have:

{}_{0}V_{x:\overline{n}|} = {}_{n}V_{x:\overline{n}|} = 0.

Example 8.10

An insurance company sells 5 year term insurances on 20 year old males with a sum insured of 100,000 for a premium of 363.37. Assume the following mortality probabilities, a 6% p.a. effective interest rate, initial expenses of 0.5% of the sum insured and renewal expenses of 100 per premium payment.

Age $q_{x}$
20 0.00192
21 0.00181
22 0.00160
23 0.00138
24 0.00118

Determine the expected value of the policy liability for this term insurance as at the end of each year for the five years of the policy term using a recursive formula.


The recurrence formula:

{}_{t}V_{x:\overline{n}|} = \frac{q_{x+t} S + p_{x+t} \left[ {}_{t+1}V_{x:\overline{n}|} \right]}{(1+i)} - (P-E)

Summarized in the following table:

Age k $q_x$ $_{k}V_{x:\overline{n}|}$
20 0 0.00192 0.00
21 1 0.00181 -443.68
22 2 0.00160 -372.80
23 3 0.00138 -276.43
24 4 0.00118 -152.05
25 5 0.00

Sign of the Reserves


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Advanced Level