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Retirement, Health Care and Disability

Superannuation Key Summary

Retirement and Social Security

Retirement and Social Security

Example 10.1: How are health costs financed in Australia?

Longevity Risk and Dependency Ratio

\[\text{Dependency Ratio} = \left( \frac{\text{No of Dependents}}{\text{Population Aged 15 to 64}} \right) \times 100\]

Retirement Income and Superannuation

Retirement Income Arrangements

Types of retirement income arrangements:

Retirement Income in Australia

Australia’s ‘three-pillar’ approach:

Publicly provided PAYG pension


Publicly mandated privately managed occupational pension system (predominantly DC)

Defined Benefit Funds

Feature: Retirement benefit is defined (by a pre-determined formula based on factors e.g. years of service, salary etc.)

Example 10.4: Main form of retirement benefit from a DB fund.

\[\frac{n \times \text{FAS}}{60}\]

where ( n ) is the number of years of membership of the fund and FAS is the average salary over the (final) three years prior to retirement.

DB Benefits Example


\[\frac{40 \times 80,000}{60} = 53,333 \text{ p.a.}\] \[\frac{15 \times 80,000}{60} = 20,000 \text{ p.a.}\]

Defined Benefit Fund Mechanics

Defined Contribution Funds

Feature: Contribution is defined (by % of salary), retirement benefit depends on investment performance etc.

Taxation of Superannuation Funds in Australia

Example 10.5: How does the Australian government tax superannuation funds at present?


Health Care and Disability

Health Care and Disability

Example 10.7: How is health care financed in Australia?

Long-Term Care and Disability Income Insurance

Long-Term Care:

Disability Income Insurance:

Lifecycle Model

Lifecycle Framework

The central problem: How can I best spread the income from the economically productive part of my life over my whole life?

Think of a lifetime as being divided into three (economic) stages:

  1. Childhood/Young adulthood: the growing up and getting education stage; pre-economic period of dependence and skill acquisition
  2. Working life: the wage-earning stage; period of economic accumulation
  3. Retirement: withdrawing from active working life; period of decumulation

Simple Lifecycle Model

The Lifecycle of ‘You, Inc’.

Lifetime resource management decisions start with analyzing resources:

Consider the following:

Balance Sheet

The Concept of Human Capital

\[\text{PV} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{S \cdot (1+g)^{i-1}}{(1+r)^i}\]

Human Capital Example



\[\text{PV} = 50,000 \sum_{i=1}^{43} \frac{(1.03)^{i-1}}{(1.03)^i} = \$2.09 \text{ million}\]